Neon Tetra

0 543

Quick Facts :
Care Level:Easy
Maximum Size:1"
Minimum Tank Size:10 Gallons
Water Conditions:68-74° F, pH 5.0-7.0, KH 4-8
Origin:South America
Aquarium Type:Community

Neon Tetra Aquarium Care, Feeding and Native Habitat Information

Neon Tetras originate from the streams and flooded woodlands of South America. They are a relatively small fish, but are very impressive when kept in medium to large schools. When kept in a good sized school, their bright colors and darting swimming motion are truly impressive to watch. Neons do very well in most community tropical freshwater aquariums, where their tankmates are of similar calm disposition and are not large enough to see the Neon as food.

Neons prefer to be kept in an aquarium with plenty of plants and driftwood to afford them protection when they feel threatened. It is best to keep neons in water that is slightly acidic and has stable Ph and temperature. Neons are not picky eaters as they will accept a variety of flake, frozen and live meaty foods.

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